In 1991, the world witnessed a tragedy that would later be transformed into one of the most poignant and heartfelt songs in music history. Eric Clapton, a renowned guitarist, faced the unimaginable loss of his four-year-old son, Conner Clapton, who tragically fell from a New York City skyscraper. Out of the depths of his despair...
Category: Known Issues
Research: Father do care about children, no exception
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in understanding the role of fathers in child-rearing, particularly noncustodial fathers who often face unique challenges in maintaining relationships with their children. Stereotypes and societal expectations have historically portrayed fathers as less involved in parenting compared to mothers, with a primary focus on being breadwinners. This...
Wife cheating? Men have to remove the fear and jealousy to be FREE
The end of a marriage can be a deeply challenging and emotional experience, particularly when disloyalty is involved. A divorced man may experience intense jealousy and pain upon discovering his wife cheating and being unfaithfulness before the divorce, and these feelings can be exacerbated when she enters a new relationship after the separation. The emotional...
Men stereotyping and female victimization: Intelligent answers to common questions
In today’s society, it is crucial to address prevailing gender stereotypes (especially men stereotyping) and misconceptions in a thoughtful and respectful manner. Engaging in open and constructive conversations about the unique challenges and experiences of both men and women is vital for promoting understanding, empathy, and ultimately, gender equality. To do this effectively, we must...
Gender Equality in United States: An 8th-grade boy’s perspective
In recent years, the conversation surrounding gender equality in United States has predominantly focused on the challenges faced by women in society. However, it is essential to acknowledge that men also experience unique struggles and inequalities that warrant attention and discussion. As we strive towards achieving a more equitable world for all, it is crucial...
How to help depressed man through difficult divorce? Don’t say these things
The difficulty in comforting a male friend or relative, or encouraging them to seek help, such as counseling, often stems from societal norms and gender expectations that promote emotional stoicism and self-reliance in men. It’s been a myth how to help depressed man. Natural factors can make men reluctant to express vulnerability or seek support,...
Male victims in domestic violence: the “Intimate Terrorism” experience
This groundbreaking paper “Intimate Terrorism by Women Towards Men: Does it Exist?” by Dr. Denise A. Hines and Emily M. Douglas (2010) sheds light on an often overlooked aspect of intimate partner violence (IPV) – male victims in domestic violence perpetrated by female partners – and serves as a crucial resource for alienated or targeted...
17 Alienation Effects: How targeted parent counterattacks to protect your kid
Parental alienation can be a devastating experience for a targeted parent, with emotional, psychological, and sometimes even physical consequences. It is a situation where one parent intentionally tries to turn the child against the other parent, often resulting in a breakdown of the parent-child relationship. The alienation effects can be long-lasting and can affect the...
Divorce Certified Advisor: Why recommended for man’s life after divorce
The idea that life is full of other interesting things and that dwelling on past negative experiences, like a divorce, can hinder personal growth and enjoyment is an important perspective. However, for a man’s life after divorce, it doesn’t have to avoid the word “divorce’. Using personal divorce experience to help other men (by getting...
Right of a father can only be assured through his publicity buildup, but how to make it happen?
Parental alienation is a complex issue that affects many international fathers who are separated from their children before or after divorce. In each case, the right of a father is often seriously violated and ignored. These fathers face significant challenges in maintaining relationships with their children, navigating complicated legal systems, and overcoming cultural barriers. With...