How can a father lose visitation rights? There are ways that you have custody but you cannot see your kids. You might be falsely accused by your ex-wife. If you are the father of a child and you are not allowed to see them, there are a few things that you should know about how...
How often do fathers get 50-50 custody? Some said 30%… what can we do?
The truth is, fathers are often at a disadvantage when trying to win 50-50 custody. Moms have a lot of power in our society, and they use that power to block visitation or even prevent visitation altogether. If you’re asking yourself why this is, it’s because most people still think of parenting as a female...
How to win a custody battle against a narcissist? Fathers, don’t lose your kids!
Fathers, don’t lose your kids. While the idea of a narcissistic parent can seem like an impossible battle, it’s not. You can win custody of your children and get them back, even if they’ve been with their mother for years. But first, let’s talk about what you might be up against. If you’re thinking that...
False Domestic Violence Accusations on Men and Dads – women can be a fake accuser
False domestic violence accusations on men and dads are a huge problem in the United States. Dads lose custody because of these false accusations. But why do women lie, and how can you protect yourself from being falsely accused? In many ways, it’s surprising that there are so many false domestic violence accusations on men....
Fathers Rights for Custody – Only a few lawyers can help dads in the right way
If you are a father fighting for custody of your children, you may feel that you are fighting a losing battle. It is not unusual for fathers to lose custody of their children after a divorce. In fact, statistics show that fathers are more likely than mothers to experience loss of parenting time with their...
Vindictive Spouse during Divorce – Your wife may play dirty during divorce. Find someone experienced to help
A man may lose his wife during a divorce. A woman may cheat on him and even commit adultery. If a man has no idea how to deal with these situations, he will be in trouble. It is important to find a good lawyer who can help you out during the divorce process. A woman...
Advocates for Fathers Rights – Dads should get shared parenting but need to find a father-friendly lawyer first
Dad’s rights are being trampled on in the family court. We all know that moms get custody of children when their parents break up, but what about dads? There are plenty of things dads need to know about getting shared parenting and working with a father-friendly lawyer. Here are some things we’ve found: 1. Make...
Stages of Divorce for a Man: Shock, Guilt, Anger, Loneliness… A year’s journey of fast recovery
When you’re a man who’s been through a divorce and separation, the world can feel like a very different place. You may be feeling all of the stages of grief: shock, guilt, anger and loneliness. You may be going through some pretty intense emotional swings—and it’s normal! But there are things you can do to...
How to win custody as a father – It is not that easy but Dad has a chance!
How to win custody as a father – It is not that easy but dad has a chance! To get full custody, a father must prove it’s in the best interests of the child. The father has to found wrong-doing of his wife to prove she is unfit. But there are many ways for you...
How to prove a mother unfit: child abuse, substance abuse, domestic violence… Factors and proofs
It’s almost a rite of passage: the mother freaks out, the child gets traumatized, and the family court fights over who is unfit to raise the kid. But what if you’re not sure that your ex-partner is unfit? What if you’ve never seen them abuse drugs or commit domestic violence? It might surprise you that...