If your wife is verbally abusive, you need a good strategy to get out of it. The definition of “verbal abuse” can be very vast and vague. The verbal violence is more harm than physical. She diminishes you to nothing. Usually kids also fall into victims of her abuse too. And, no one will believe you since your wife doesn’t cause any physical would which you can photograph or report. This kind of abusive woman always cause great harm to each member of the family. When you try to fight back, she would try to prove that it was all your fault.
How do I know she is verbally abusive?
1. she complains about everything – even the weather.
2. she tries to control what you do and say by telling you how to act and speak in social situations.
3. she blames others for her mistakes or failures rather than take responsibility for them herself.
4. she employs threats or intimidation tactics in order to get her way or punish someone else for something they did wrong (such as yelling at children).
5. she makes fun of other people or groups without their consent (for example: mocking someone’s ethnicity).
6. she uses sarcasm or ridicule against people who disagree with her ideas or opinions (for example: calling someone stupid just because he disagrees with her on something).
7. other symptoms that makes you feel uncomfortable.
Please note that verbal abuse can certainly contribute to one of the unfit traits of a mother which needs to be attended for the best interest of your children.
My Wife is Verbally Abusive and How to Deal With It
So, what should you do when your wife has been verbally abusing you? You might want to consider these steps:
1) First thing first, stop talking to her at all! Do not give her any reason to continue her verbal abuse against you or anyone else in the family. Stop trying to defend yourself or explain yourself! Just leave it alone and walk away from it as soon as possible so that she doesn’t get any idea that she has successfully hurt/ruined/destroyed your relationship with her family members and friends because she threatened them with death if they don’t listen to her demands!
2) Get professional help from a therapist or counselor who specializes in abusive relationships.
3) Document everything that happens in your marriage—don’t leave anything out! Write down everything she says and does, as well as how much time she spends with your children and whether they’re getting enough attention from her. Once these documents are complete, they should be stored somewhere safe and secure (like a safety deposit box).
4) Document all of the times that your wife threatens or hits you physically or emotionally, including any threats she makes against your children (i.e., “I’ll make sure your kids never see another Christmas tree”). This documentation should also be stored somewhere secure and private (like a safety deposit box).
5) If possible, find someone who can testify against your wife in court if things get too bad while divorce proceedings are underway.
What should you do if your wife verbally abusive to you?
The best way to deal with verbal abuse is to be assertive, not passive or aggressive. You must be firm but kind at the same time. Always state your case in a calm and logical manner while clearly expressing what you want from her as well as what she needs to do differently next time around so that this never happens again.
The only way to make sure that she stops being so verbally abusive is to do something about it yourself. You might need some help from family members, friends, or professionals—and that’s okay! But for now, just keep an eye out for warning signs and try some strategies until things improve around here.
You are the only one who can fight through all the way to an abuse-free relationship. I have done it successfully. I did my homework and I got full custody of my kids. My children are now free from the verbal abuse of their mom, while still maintaining a healthy relationship with her mom in a safe distance. Fathers help fathers. Don’t wait.