Gender bias in family court refers to the perception that the family court system is biased against one gender or the other. Specifically, it is the belief that the family court system tends to favor mothers over fathers in custody and visitation disputes. The debate surrounding the family court to stereotype men has been ongoing...
Author: helpdads
Abusive wife signs: when she becomes illogical and demands “she is always right”
The general observation among married men is that women tend to be less logical or put less emphasis on reasoning than men. This is thought to be a gender stereotype and so is being ignored by the general public. Sarcastically, it is also a common wisdom among general public that “women are always right”. This...
Adultery for divorce may be easy, but long-term slandering is devastating
There are many cases where fathers are indicted to divorce for having affairs in at-fault divorce countries. When you are sued for adultery for divorce, it might be easy. However, there can be a long-term slandering by your ex-wife and that’s what makes your life devastating. Here is a true story (with names modified) to...
Protective Order vs. Restraining Order: How a TPO or TRO block visitation of fathers
A protective order and a restraining order are both legal orders that are intended to protect a person from harm or harassment. They are both powerful and often-used weapons in divorce, especially when a mother tries to convince the court to help block visitation of the child’s father. To help a father through the difficult...
Breastfeeding advantage: father’s visitation to child blocked by breastfeeding ex-wife
If a father’s child is still under the age of 5, it is very common for the mother to use breastfeeding as a way to get more custody time. It’s the “Breastfeeding Advantage” in children custody dispute. Breastfeeding has become an important factor in child custody assignment after a divorce, particularly for infants and young...
To fathers who lost custody: Narcissistic parent will be revenged by her child!
When you lost custody of your children, chances are that you will also lost the days with your kids to your ex-wife who happens to be a narcissistic spouse and a narcissistic parent. However, it’s not the end of the world. Having more time with the children implies more exposure of children to the same...
Pathology Liar, Pathological Lying and the loyalty conflicts on children from divorced parents
To decipher the world of Pathology Liar and Pathological Lying (habitual lying), we must first know the root of their formation. Recent research showed that the lying might be from childhood trauma. In a child’s world, parents are everything. When the parents divorce, their children lost the sense of security they should have during their...
Wife’s friends won’t be on your side when divorce, neither will your friend. Why?
When we divorce, the grand pain is not from your wife or ex-wife. It’s from the people around you including your wife’s friends and your friends. They firmly stand by the side of your wife for no reason. It’s important to address this issue. We cannot change what people think. The primary purpose of this...
Depression from divorce: how men can cope and prevent side effects
Many fathers began to suffer depression before and after the divorce. It is completely normal. People don’t understand why divorce can cause fathers to have depression because they didn’t feel what fathers felt. A father’s family values and hard work all disappeared at the moment of divorce. Goodwill was responded with malice. The house he...
Is divorce sinful? Not if you take care of your family well!
Is divorce sinful? Well, if we act like good men and continue to take care of everyone involved because of our divorce, we are already doing the best we can. As men, sometimes we don’t really have a choice when we were requested to divorce. However, what happens NEXT and how we handle is important....