Domestic violence shelter for males? At the first sight, it might sound weird. However, it is important to recognize that intimate partner violence (IPV) is a serious problem that can affect anyone, regardless of gender. Both men and women can be victims of physical, emotional, and various abuse in relationships. It is important for individuals...
A Fathers Rights to keep his child AWAY from Childhood Trauma: New Study
Childhood trauma is something that a parent would try to avoid during and after their separation or divorce. However, the situation is often out of control especially for a father. It is every father’s rights to keep his child away from any possible childhood trauma. However, in too many legal battles, we are seeing fathers...
Wife is Verbally Abusive: 6 signs and 4 solutions to protect you and your kids
If your wife is verbally abusive, you need a good strategy to get out of it. The definition of “verbal abuse” can be very vast and vague. The verbal violence is more harm than physical. She diminishes you to nothing. Usually kids also fall into victims of her abuse too. And, no one will believe...
Happy Wife, Happy Life: False Accusation and Lost Custody
You know the saying: “happy wife, happy life.” Well, it’s kind of a joke. Believe it or not, when your wife goes to extreme happiness at the cost of your long-time endurance, you often ended up with False Accusations and Lost of Child Custody. We all know that marriage is a partnership. We all know...
A Fathers Rights: Child Custody, Fair Divorce, how to Protect your rights against accusations?
It’s not just about mothers. Fathers have rights in family court too. When it comes to child custody and a fair divorce, judges tend to be against fathers. Social workers, psychologists, and examiners are just as likely to side with mothers in custody disputes as they are with fathers. This is because they are more...
50 50 Custody: Fathers need to know how joint legal custody work
Fathers need to know how joint legal custody work. It is challenging for fathers to guarantee 50/50 custody of his children. Mothers will try to intervene the family court unfair decision. The family court will decide the custody based on the needs of the child and not based on the best interest of the child....
Fathers, how to avoid paying spousal support? The Alimony you might not need to pay
I’m sure you’ve heard about the new laws that have been implemented in many states that allow for alimony payments when there is no fault of either party. Many people are confused as to whether they should get divorced or not, especially if they have children together. The problem is that many times, one spouse...
How to win a custody modification case? 4 ways Dads can make surprise turnaround
The easy way to win a custody modification case is to prove to the court that your child’s wellbeing will substantially improve if the suggested changes (i.e. custody modifying from the mother to the father) are accepted. In theory, a judge awards custody based on what they perceive to be the best interests of the...
Chances of a father getting 50/50 custody? Dads at a Disadvantage in family court. What to do?
Dads at a Disadvantage in family court, especially when a dad are framed or falsely accused by his ex-spouse. In a recent study conducted by the Pew Research Center, it was found that dads are at a disadvantage in family court when compared to moms. The study looked at the custody of children and how...
Unfit Mother Examples: Definition of a mother being unfit and how to Prove it?
Before we provide unfit mother examples, we should note that divorce can be an incredibly challenging time for both parents and children. As a father, it is natural to be concerned about your child’s well-being and the impact of the divorce on their lives. In cases where you believe your ex-spouse is unfit to care...