There’s a stereotype that men can’t be good parents. It’s based on the assumption that all dads are violent, abusive...
Real Cases

30 years after Conner Clapton, Kshitij Tarey sings about the pain of losing sons to PA
In 1991, the world witnessed a tragedy that would later be transformed into one of the most poignant and heartfelt songs in music history. Eric Clapton, a renowned guitarist, faced the unimaginable loss of his four-year-old son, Conner Clapton, who tragically fell from a New York City skyscraper. Out of the depths of his despair and sorrow, Clapton was able...

Research: Father do care about children, no exception
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in understanding the role of fathers in child-rearing, particularly noncustodial fathers who often face unique challenges in maintaining relationships with their children. Stereotypes and societal expectations have historically portrayed fathers as less involved in parenting compared to mothers, with a primary focus on being breadwinners. This perspective, however, overlooks the emotional...
Featured Stories

How can a mother lose custody to father? Children custody dispute can resolved to a winner
How can a mother lose custody to father? When a mother is physically or psychologically abusive to her children. When...

Compelling reasons for a mother to lose custody: violence, abuse, lies, alienation… Proving she is unfit.
It’s easy to see that a mother who loses custody of her children is at a huge disadvantage. Not only...

How to prove a mother unfit: child abuse, substance abuse, domestic violence… Factors and proofs
It’s almost a rite of passage: the mother freaks out, the child gets traumatized, and the family court fights over...

Vindictive Spouse during Divorce – Your wife may play dirty during divorce. Find someone experienced to help
A man may lose his wife during a divorce. A woman may cheat on him and even commit adultery. If...

False Domestic Violence Accusations on Men and Dads – women can be a fake accuser
False domestic violence accusations on men and dads are a huge problem in the United States. Dads lose custody because...

Unfit Mother Examples: Definition of a mother being unfit and how to Prove it?
Before we provide unfit mother examples, we should note that divorce can be an incredibly challenging time for both parents...

Happy Wife, Happy Life: False Accusation and Lost Custody
You know the saying: “happy wife, happy life.” Well, it’s kind of a joke. Believe it or not, when your...

Wife is Verbally Abusive: 6 signs and 4 solutions to protect you and your kids
If your wife is verbally abusive, you need a good strategy to get out of it. The definition of “verbal...